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Pichonkun WhatsApp Sticker

How to download Daikin Pichonkun WhatsApp’s stickers.

Android User

  1. Download WhatSticker App
  2. Open this link or scan the QR Code to download our Pichonkun sticker!
  3. Scroll to the bottom until you see the green tab “Add to Android”, and click it.

4. Click “ADD TO WHATSAPP”, then click “Add”. You are done!

Apple iOS User

  1. Please download the App below
  2. Open the link or scan the QR Code to download our Pichonkun sticker!
    *Please use Safari browser
  3. Scroll to the bottom until you see the red tab “Add to iPhone”, and click it.

4.Please click Open.

5. Click Save and you are done!

Click or Scan Below QR code to get Pichonkun Stickers

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