VRV – IV HRHW | Daikin Malaysia

Product Highlights


The engery-efficient system recovers waste heat as energy to heat hot water.

• Air conditioning combined with hot water supply Compact system
• Energy to supply hot water Cost-effective
• Hot water temperature Up to 65 c
• Can be used in combination with other water heaters depending on the required amount and temperature of hot water.

Suitable for different business applications.

Product Features


By default, this would be activated every Monday morning at 2am, heating storage water up to 60 c for 10 minutes.

Auto Restart

When power supply is restored after a failure,
the system would revert to the last operational function.

Safety-Error Code

If thermistons or communication line are faulty,
as a safety precaution, operation of the electric heater is disabled

The Serpentine Heat Exchanger Unit recovers heat.

Increased energy efficiency of the outdoor unit

The waste heat from air conditioning is transferred to heat water.

This mechanism reduces the amount of heat processed by the outdoor unit, resulting in better operation efficiency.



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